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Getting Back on Track with Role Realignment

In the workplace, clarity and alignment within teams are crucial for success, right? Then why do we see so many orgs fighting role creep?

Role creep, also know as job creep, happens when one performs tasks that are outside of their role or the agreed scope of their job. The employee feels pressure to deliver more than the normal requirements of their jobs or roles.

The most common cause is taking some of the tasks from your last role into the next one. While you might have moved up to that VP of Sales role, you were the best Christmas Party planner the office has ever seen! So here you are, talking to the catering company about pork sliders from a hotel in Des Moines.

Maybe you're still organizing the supply closet despite being the owner of a 150 person company. That's great that you take an interest! Surely someone else can give an hour to the pens and tape?

Role creep leads to burnout, lack of growth, and is a symptom of our continuous run towards total productivity. PCG has helped several of our clients stop role creep and set everyone back on a better path. How do we do that? With a little magic we call the Role Realignment Workshop!

Wanna go home by 5pm more often? We have can get you there with a couple of hours and a few stacks of post-its. Here’s why you should consider investing in a role realignment workshop and why hiring a consultant to lead it can make all the difference.

1. Clarify The Work

One of the primary benefits of a role realignment workshop is the enhanced clarity it brings to team roles and responsibilities. Over time, roles can become blurred, leading to confusion and inefficiencies. By taking the time to identify tasks withing a role, employees can ensure that everyone knows exactly what is expected of them.

2. Respect the Roles (and Each Other)

Effective communication is the cornerstones of a successful team. A role realignment workshop fosters open dialogue, encouraging them to share their strengths and weaknesses for the good of the team. This process helps to break down silos and promotes mutual respect. PCG's consultants facilitate these discussions, ensuring that every voice is heard and that the team reaches a consensus on role definitions and expectations.

3. Accountability is Key

When team members have a clear understanding of their roles, they are more likely to take ownership of their responsibilities. A role realignment workshop helps to establish clear lines of accountability, making it easier to track progress and measure success.

4. Your Old Task Is Made New

Holding on to your last responsibilities might be a bad habit, maybe telling yourself that you can just do it faster yourself. But in reality, you're stressing yourself out and you're withholding a chance for someone else to grow. Employees like to be challenged in their roles. It will take some patience and a little mentoring, but the long-term is worth the time spent.

Long-term Success and Growth

Ultimately, a role realignment workshop is an investment in your team’s long-term success and growth. By partnering with PCG, you can ensure that your team is well-equipped to achieve its goals and thrive in a competitive market. We can help ensure that the process is thorough, unbiased, and tailored to your team’s unique needs.

Want to know more about our employee experience work? Start here!

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